Jan van Boeckel is professor Art & Sustainability at Research Centre Art & Sustainability of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, The Netherlands. He started his career as a cultural anthropologist. In due time, as 'artist-educator', Jan increasingly focused on his own artistic practice and on the pedagogy of art education. He has ample experience in research projects on the cutting edge of art and sustainability, and is specialized in art-based environmental education. In 2013, he received his Doctor of Arts in arts education at Aalto University, Helsinki. In the past years he has been working in several Northern countries – among which Iceland, Sweden, Estonia and Finland. Now, at Hanze UAS, he researches how art can help us face the great challenges of our time, of which the ecological crisis arguably is the most pressing.
Website : janvanboeckel.wordpress.com
Art & Sustainability at Research Centre Art & Sustainability : hanze.nl/eng/research/centre-for-applied-research/art-and-society/